Fishy Magic


My name is Jameson Thatcher, and among other things I am a software engineer, and a gamer. My preference is to be programming videogames, but I enjoy anything that is a technical challenge.

I primarily work in modern C++, although I’m familiar with lua, and have worked with C#, with a little work done in F#, bash, and python. I’m experienced with Unreal Engine 4, and have reasonable experience with Unity.

I have not had time for side projects due to work and parenting duties for some time, but this website contains information about old and abandonned projects. Due to the current state of social media, I should be putting things here in future.

I am currently open to work opportunities.

Shipped Titles

Cancelled Titles

  • Unannounced Strategy Game (iOS, Android). Unity
  • Fable Legends (PC, XB1) Unreal Engine 4

Other Work

I have also worked on several speculative projects, 2D and 3D, console and mobile, in Unity and UE4.